Tuesday, January 22, 2008

a hopeful desert

Still in limbo here.
I'm on the last leg of a 21-day fast, and maybe it's just my over-eager hopeful little mind, but I really believe God has done a work in me, and maybe, just maybe, I have matured a little.

I am contemplating beginning one of the more serious endeavors I've begun in my life...all I will say is that it involves one of my greatest convictions and writing a book. Obviously I wouldn't publish said book until after I graduate...maybe after grad school...but I really am believing that God dropped this idea into my spirit as a result of my fast...we'll see though. I mean, why would God make me so passionate about something and cause me to love writing so much without allowing me to write a book? It makes sense to me. And frequently, God is a God who makes sense.

Anyway. I feel like I have the fewest friends at this point in my life than ever before. Notice that I say this with an almost indifferent tone. It has bothered my flesh a little to not constantly be surrounded by people and conversation and affirmation, but as I mentioned before, I really think God is using this "loneliness" to refine me...but I just felt like having some sort of outlet that wasn't God...because mainly I've been talking to him lately. :)

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